Friday 2 October 2015

NDM: The future of newspapers

Do you agree with its view that it is ‘a cause for concern, but not for panic’?

“A GOOD newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself”  Arthur Miller, 1961

I agree with the statement that the view of newspapers declining is a 'cause for concern' because net journalism has dominated the newspaper industry. The web has "opened the closed world of professional editors" and anyone "with a keyboard and an internet connection" can report news.  Print media is falling apart to the  from the internet. The most successful example of print news was from the Washington Post which wrote a series of articles that brought down President Nixon and the status of print journalism soared. At their best, newspapers hold governments and companies to account. Philip Meyer calculates that the first quarter of 2043 will be the moment when newsprint dies in America. Britons aged between 15 and 24 say they spend almost 30% less time reading national newspapers once they start using the web.

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