Sunday 6 December 2015

Weekly New/Digital Media homework Week 13


Mark Zuckerberg

  • Facebook founder’s extraordinary year propels him to top spot of list that has highest proportion of women in its 15-year history 
  • Mark Zuckerberg has returned to the top of the Guardian’s annual power list, the MediaGuardian 100, after a year in which Facebook, the social network he founded, was used by 1 billion people in a single day.
  • Facebook’s reach – Zuckerberg trumpeted the fact that one in seven people on Earth used the social network in August – pushed its founder above last year’s winner, Google’s Larry Page, for the first time since 2011.

Uber car-sharing service

  • Union representative says drivers are concerned about safety of UberPool and how revenue will be shared
  • Uber faces a union-backed protest against its decision to make it compulsory for its London drivers to offer a new minicab sharing service
  • GMB, the union for Uber drivers, has written to the company calling on it to reverse a decision not to allow drivers to opt out of the UberPool car-sharing service, which launched in London on Friday. Uber says the new scheme will help cut congestion and bring down the cost of travel for passengers.
  • James Farrar, the GMB union representative for Uber drivers, claimed that they had expressed safety concerns and had also not been fully informed of how fares and revenue share with the company would work. He said: “Many members have expressed deep concern about the planned introduction of UberPool.

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